Membership Classes

Starts Sunday, February 9, 6 pm

Adults and teens interested in becoming a church member should meet in the basement classroom with Pastor Jonathan.

Monthly Hymn Sing

Our monthly HYMN SING is on Mon, February 3, 3:00-3:45 at REFLECTIONS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. All are welcome to join us to visit and sing Hymns with the residents.

2025 Tubing Trip

Tubing Trip, Fri, February 28
Bubly Tubing Park, Mad River Mountain

Register and pay here or scan the QR code

We will leave from the church at 5:30 pm, Tubing 7–9 pm and return around 11:30 pm. Cost of $20 includes Tubing and pizza at Benny’s in Marysville AFTER we tube. We have 25 tickets. The park sometimes sells out so there is no guarantee of getting more tickets for our group. Do NOT Delay!! Bring a first-time guest two times to BLITZ and he or she goes for free!

LIFE Group Breakfast

We have reserved the party room at IHOP for Sat, February 1 at 9:30 for any LIFE members who want to gather for breakfast. No need to sign up, just show up! Hope to see you there!

Sisters Without Misters

The Sister’s Without Mister’s widows’ group will meet on Tuesday, February 4, 11:30 am at the home of Rhonda Myers. Please let Michelle Williams (740-215-7519) know if you plan to attend and if you need a ride. We look forward to playing some games and eating together!

Faith Family Dinner

The first Wednesday of each month, the FAITH family gathers at 6 pm in Benner Fellowship Hall for a meal and Christian fellowship before Bible studies and other Wednesday evening activities. February’s menu is Taco Soup, Chips & Salsa, Nacho Cheese & Chips, Salad and Dessert. Donations welcome. Thanks to Nancy Hill for preparing these delicious meals!

Prayer Retreat

This half-day prayer retreat (8:30 am – 12:30 pm) led by Dr. Mark Arni is an opportunity for each of us to make a fresh commitment to spending daily focused time with Jesus while practicing His Presence throughout the day. There will be teaching and time for personal prayer and reflection. Participant booklets will be provided.

Call the church office to RSVP, 740-654-1711.