2025 Tubing Trip

Tubing Trip, Fri, February 28
Bubly Tubing Park, Mad River Mountain

Register and pay here or scan the QR code

We will leave from the church at 5:30 pm, Tubing 7–9 pm and return around 11:30 pm. Cost of $20 includes Tubing and pizza at Benny’s in Marysville AFTER we tube. We have 25 tickets. The park sometimes sells out so there is no guarantee of getting more tickets for our group. Do NOT Delay!! Bring a first-time guest two times to BLITZ and he or she goes for free!

Faith Family Dinner

The first Wednesday of each month, the FAITH family gathers at 6 pm in Benner Fellowship Hall for a meal and Christian fellowship before Bible studies and other Wednesday evening activities. February’s menu is Taco Soup, Chips & Salsa, Nacho Cheese & Chips, Salad and Dessert. Donations welcome. Thanks to Nancy Hill for preparing these delicious meals!

Winter Jam 2025

This year’s lineup includes Skillet, Anne Wilson, KB, Colton Dixon, Newsong and Micah Tyler with speaker, Zane Black.  VIP tickets, $30, ($25 if paying for more than one) are available until sold out. Sign up online.


Open to all adults and teens age 16 and older who would like to participate in Christian Fellowship while playing basketball. Meet at Crossroads Center, West Fair Avenue, Thursdays, December 12 & 19, January 8 thru’ February 27. Contact Pastor Jarod.

End of Year Bash

A FREE private event at SCENE 75, Dublin, OH
6th – 12th grade students only
A big group gathering will start things off with worship, a speaker, and lots of give-a-ways. The rest of the night is for us to celebrate together in an awesome facility that we have ALL TO OURSELVES. Food will be provided. There’s so much to do including Indoor Go-Karts, Laser Tag, an Arcade, Roller coaster, Mini Golf, Drop Tower, Inflatables, Bumper Cars, Batting Cage, 4D Motion Theater, Karaoke Booth, Laser Maze, and more!
Register online at cccuyouth.org.