Ladies Night Out

Ladies of all ages are invited to gather at Max & Erma’s, Lancaster, to enjoy an evening of food and Christian sisterhood. Please use the sign up sheets at church to let us know you will be there.

LIFE – The Phantom of the Opera

L.I.F.E. Group invites adults 50 and older to OCU’s production, The Phantom of the Opera. Purchase your tickets here, $13.59 per person or scan the QR code. To pay by check, make it payable to the church and place it in an offering envelope marked Phantom tickets. You may also give your check to a L.I.F.E. Committee member: Jill Ailes, Kelly Bryant, Jane Forshey, Leah Harper or Robin Mathias. Tickets must be purchased on or before Sunday, March 10 so we can select enough seats for our group to sit together.


Sign up now and bring friends for a day of tubing at Perfect North Slopes.

Cost is $20 per person or $15 if registering and paying for more than one student. Contact Pastor Aaron with any questions, 740-415-7053.


L.I.F.E. Group, formerly FAIM, invites all adults age 50 and up, to LEAP into the new year with our new name! Join us on Sat, February 24, 6 pm, in Benner Fellowship Hall for Laughter, Entertainment And Pizza. This is a Pizza Potluck, so bring your favorite medium pizza to share. RSVP online or using the sign-up sheets located in the church foyers. Contact Jane Forshey, Jill Ailes, Kelly Bryant, Leah Harper or Robin Mathias with questions. And remember…LIFE begins at 50!!!