Fall Golf Outing

Another Faith Golf Outing has been scheduled, Saturday, September 21, 10 am! We will hit the greens at Valley View (now known as The View). The cost of $47 per person, payable to the golf course the day of the event, includes cart, golf, and laughs! Sign-up sheets are available at thechurch, scan the QR code or sign up here. Both men and women are welcome to play.

Parent Meeting

All parents of teens are invited to meet with Pastor Aaron in Benner Fellowship Hall, Sunday, August 25, 6:30 pm. This is an opportunity to learn more about Teens of Faith, get to know Pastor Aaron better, ask questions, meet other parents, etc. Contact Pastor Aaron if you need more information, 740-415-7053.

Boating & Tubing Trip

We are spending the day at Indian Lake! The cost is $25 on/before August 10 and $30 after that date. We will leave from the church at 8:30 am. Bring a towel, change of clothes, games you want to play, snacks you want and money for a fast food stop on the way back. Lunch will be provided. Friends are welcome, but they must have attended at least one BLITZ within the last month.

Sign up & pay here or scan the QR code