Teens of Praise

Teens of Praise Camp

TEENS OF PRAISE camp is the main event of the year for Teens of Faith. Pastor Aaron is the camp director and the location is Ohio Christian University in Circleville.

Why Go?
First, the food is excellent.
Second, being on a college campus, campers at TOP get a little taste of what it’s like to go to OCU.
Then there’s Detty Chapel. Walking up the steps and through those white doors is the “moment” that repeat campers look forward to all year long. There is something different about that space and time. Anyone who’s been to church camp knows what I’m talking about.
Next, there are all the fun activities including off campus trips to a waterpark and canoeing. And let’s not forget about the day of serving – a little mission trip mixed in with the camp. Nothing beats the opportunity to be the hands and feet of God, to match our walk with our talk.
Finally, there’s the camp friends. You may only see them once a year, but they’re the ones with whom you spend the most impactful days of the summer.

Register and pay online at cccuyouth.org. And our teens only have to pay half the cost!

FELA Summer 2022

Another school year is finished with our Preschool and Prekindergarten students having graduated. We are incredibly proud of the children’s hard work and look forward to some returning for Prekindergarten while watching others head to elementary school Kindergarten.

This summer will be different for our center as we are not offering school aged summer camp. We will continue to offer summer care for children infant through ready to start kindergarten. We look forward to a fun-filled summer taking a break from daily early-childhood academics while still enjoying story time and other fun learning activities.

We invite you to contact our center and schedule a tour, 740-653-1358.