Rummage sale

All proceeds benefit Teens of Faith ministries. Items can be dropped off starting September 12. Pricing your own items is appreciated, but not necessary. Please, NO clothing or older televisions/monitors.

Contact Pastor Aaron, 740-415-7053, if a pickup is needed.

Teens Bible Quizzing

Teen Bible Quizzing will be starting in just a couple of weeks. Any student or parent who is interested in learning more about this exciting program should contact Pastor Aaron. The teens will be studying the book of Matthew this year. In addition to being a creative and very effective means of learning the word of God, Bible Quizzing is also competitive, fun, and an awesome way to meet new friends from various churches.  

Packing Party

We are very pleased to announce our annual Packing Party.

As with everything else, some adjustments had to be made to address COVID-19. We will be asking participants to sign up in advance for specific times so the room does not become overcrowded. Tables will be set up to allow for social distance. Sign up sheets are in the church foyers. Contact Michelle Williams with any questions, 740-215-7519.

Craft Group

We will not be meeting for the remainder of 2020 with hope of being able to gather again next year. Meanwhile, projects you complete at home for shoe box gifts are welcome. Place them in the boxes in the church foyers.