SRT Unaltered

Unaltered Tour – Sat, April 13

A 2-hour, high energy, concert style event about Love, Sex and Life. Hosted by Ohio Christian University, 7-9 pm. Contact Pastor Aaron for more info, 740.415.7053.

Teens Spring Retreat

Spring Retreat

Teens of Faith will be going to the annual CCCU Spring Retreat. This multi-church youth event will let you reconnect with friends from summer camp or make some new ones! The retreat facility includes a climbing tower, zip-line, fishing, hiking, and a huge activity center . You will participate in some awesome worship, be challenged by a dynamic speaker, and entertained by various late night artists.

Participants stay in dorms and are required to bring their own bedding and bath supplies. Dress is casual. Remember that springtime in Ohio can be warm, cold, and even both on the same day. Although the actual cost is $110, Teens of Faith participants pay $60. Generous church donors will be paying the rest. Each student is highly encouraged to register and pay online at CCCUYOUTH.ORG. If needed, a paper registration can be picked up at the teen bulletin board and submitted with a check to Pastor Aaron. Contact Pastor Aaron with any questions, 740.415.7053.


Winter Jam

Winter Jam, Sat, March 23

We are going to Charleston, WV, since the Columbus event was canceled in January. We have three tickets available as of March 13th. Leaving from the church around 11:30 am. Contact Pastor Aaron, 740.415.7053.

Parent Letter

Greetings Parents! Click on the “Parent Letter” link below. Please take note of the what is different for Blitz this Wednesday night only.

Scroll down to the next post for information on the Fall Retreat!

Parent Letter link

Fall Retreat

Departure Time: 5pm, Nov 2
Return Time: 4pm, Nov 4

Teens will stay in very nice dorm style rooms with bunk beds. Students must bring all bedding, toiletries, warm clothing that can get dirty, gloves, and a Bible. Weather for the first weekend of November is always unpredictable. All indoor areas where we sleep, eat, and gather for services are heated and well appointed. It is truly a beautiful setting that the teens will thoroughly enjoy.

To register for the Fall Retreat, turn in the Medical/Registration form along with payment as soon as possible. If paying by check, make payable to “Faith Memorial Church”. Payments can also be made online by clicking the “Online Giving” section of the website and entering the amount of payment in the “Youth Registration” box.

Medical/Registration Form link

Scroll down several posts to see the highlight video from last year’s retreat.

You should receive this information in the mail as well.