
Sign up now and bring friends for a day of tubing at Perfect North Slopes.

Cost is $20 per person or $15 if registering and paying for more than one student. Contact Pastor Aaron with any questions, 740-415-7053.


L.I.F.E. Group, formerly FAIM, invites all adults age 50 and up, to LEAP into the new year with our new name! Join us on Sat, February 24, 6 pm, in Benner Fellowship Hall for Laughter, Entertainment And Pizza. This is a Pizza Potluck, so bring your favorite medium pizza to share. RSVP online or using the sign-up sheets located in the church foyers. Contact Jane Forshey, Jill Ailes, Kelly Bryant, Leah Harper or Robin Mathias with questions. And remember…LIFE begins at 50!!!

Prayer Groups

There are two weekly groups who meet for the purpose of prayer.

The Ladies Prayer Group meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:45 am and is led by Debbie Brown.

The Men’s Prayer Group meets on Saturday mornings at 8:00 am and is led by Pastor Jonathan.

Both groups are open to new members whether you can attend every week or simply visit from time to time.