Wednesday Evening


Wednesdays at FAITH are a great time to meet people and build relationships while going deeper into the Word. A meal is offered before activities on the first Wednesday of the month from May through September at 6 pm. 

Starting at 7 pm, two groups led by pastors are available for adults. Newcomers are always welcome!

If you enjoy singing, consider being part of the Worship Choir which meets in the sanctuary for rehearsal. 

Teens and Kids have groups, too! Children in preschool through 6th grade have their own space to energetically praise Jesus and for Bible training with Pastor Jarod in Hermiz Chapel.

Students in 7th-12th grades hang out in Benner Fellowship Hall for Blitz Youth Gathering that includes food, music and Bible. This is a time and place to invite friends who are curious about Jesus, church, being a Christian, etc. but feel uncertain about coming to Sunday morning worship.

For more information, contact the church office or any of the pastors listed on Our Staff page.

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