Teens of Faith Ministries
Pastor Aaron Green
Faith is committed to helping teens grow in their relationship with Jesus as they learn to reach out to the world around them.
Students are encouraged to be a part of Sunday school, family worship on Sunday mornings and Youth Worship on Wednesdays at 7 pm in Benner. Blitz Youth Worship is a high energy, youth only service. The instruction students receive from The Word and the relationships they build with other Christian teenagers will help them be strong in their faith. It is the kind of support system every Christian teen needs.
Retreats, parties and other special events are planned on a regular basis.
Wednesday Schedule
Mission Trip Participant Form
King’s Island
Teens of Faith
Sign up now to go to King’s Island!
Cost is $25
Pay online or by check on/b4 this Mon, July 17
Leaving the church at 8:00 am
Bring money for food!
To pay online, while on the church website
• Select Online Giving
• Select Give Now
• Select Create a Gift
• Select Tithes and Offerings
• Select Youth Events Payments
• Log in or Continue as Guest to finish
Blitz News
Graduate Profile Form
Teens Mission Week 2023
Register here for this week of serving our own Lancaster community
Teens Spring Retreat
Spring Retreat
May 5-7, 2023
Scioto Hills Christian Camp
Register and pay online at cccuyouth.org!
Choose the option to pay HALF – the church will pay the other half. (Your cost will be about $65.)
Registration fee covers meals, lodging, and
activities for the entire weekend!
Scioto Hills Christian Camp offers epic adventures such as zip lines, rock walls, and so much more!
Students need to bring their own bedding along with enough toiletries to get you through a weekend.
We have a great weekend planned with
speaker, Pastor Jon Truex, Heritage Church, and Worship leaders, Eric & Kayla Herron.
The 2023 theme, CHOSEN, is based around 1 Peter 2:9:
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
We believe that God has chosen
He is preparing and calling you
to do amazing things for
the Kingdom of God.